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  3. KTZ Releases Statement on Cargo Ship Carrying Ukrainian Grain
Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 July, 2022 | 09:15
1 min read

KTZ Releases Statement on Cargo Ship Carrying Ukrainian Grain

Ukraine requests Turkey to stop Zhibek Zholy at Karasu port

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The national railway company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) has officially responded after Ukraine requested Turkey to detain a Russian-flagged cargo ship carrying Ukrainian grain, Tengrinews reports.

On June 30, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine wrote a letter to Turkish authorities regarding the cargo ship Zhibek Zholy, stating that the ship left the port of Berdyansk carrying a batch of about 4,500 tons of Ukrainian grain under the Russian flag.

The Kazakh railway company responded to the request by saying that it is in the process of checking the credibility of the request together with the Ukrainian authorities and was holding consultations with the ambassadors of the two countries.

Initially, after Ukraine’s request was announced, KTZ Express had confirmed that the Zhibek Zholy was owned by the company but said it was taken under a bareboat charter - when no crew or supplies are involved in the lease - by Russian company Green-Line, which was not designated under any sanctions.

"In order to clarify the situation and avoid violations of international law, KTZ has sent a letter to the vessel's tenant, demanding a detailed explanation of the situation with all supporting documents (contracts, certificates, etc.) attached, as a matter of urgency. KTZ assures its adherence to international law," the company had stated.

The national company noted that the transaction for the sale of grain was between the Estonian company Mangelbert OU and the Turkish side. The seller, a company registered in Europe, declares the transaction legal.

The Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey said on Sunday, July 3 that the ship is currently anchored outside the port of Karasu with its fate yet to be decided.

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