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  3. President Tokayev's Congratulation on Mass Media Worker's Day
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 July, 2022 | 08:04
1 min read

President Tokayev's Congratulation on Mass Media Worker's Day

'Journalists need to have their own point of view on events in Kazakhstan and the world'

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On June 28, journalists and editorial boards all across Kazakhstan (QazMonitor included) celebrate mass media worker's day. On this day in 1991, Kazakhstan adopted the first law on press and other media.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated professionals who work in this industry, Akorda press service reports.

Dear journalists, mass media workers! I congratulate you on your professional holiday! Working in the field of journalism is a great honor and high responsibility. The national media play an important role in strengthening the unity and cohesion of our people.
True craftsmen are among the ranks of journalists, who always remain true to the high and noble ideals of their profession. With their honest and diligent work for the benefit of society, they have rightfully earned the recognition of grateful readers and viewers.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

President admitted that "the Internet and social networks are filled with a deluge of inaccurate information," calling journalists to be "a reliable barrier to the spread of fakes and speculation".

"To ensure the country's information security and ideological sovereignty, it is necessary for domestic journalists to have their own point of view on events in Kazakhstan and the world. We must strive to promote the interests of the state, setting an example for all of society - because justifying the trust of the people is our civic duty. I am confident that by preserving unity, together we will achieve great heights on the way to building the New Kazakhstan!" noted President. 

In conclusion, President Tokayev wished media workers wellness, success and creativity.

QazMonitor editorial board would like to congratulate fellow media resources and thank our audience for their sincere feedback and support.

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