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Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 10:41
2 min read

New Burial Mounds Discovered Near Pavlodar

Kazakh archaeologists shed light on the architecture of Kimaks; Illustrative photo; Illustrative photo

Pavlodar archeologists uncovered kimak burial mounds. Scientists are investigating several ancient burials at once. They hope to find new evidence of the Kimak-Kipchak culture which dominated in Priirtyshie in 9-10 centuries, "Khabar 24" reports.

Scientists and earlier assumed that there are ancient burials near Baidaly village near Pavlodar. And now with the help of space monitoring they managed to determine the exact location. From above you can see that it is a burial complex of three necropolises. Most of the tombs have been robbed.; video screenshot; video screenshot

There is almost nothing known about the architecture of nomadic peoples. The uniqueness of this object is even more enhanced. Besides, the question of search of just the same cities of Kimaks is still actual. Much is said about it, but so far we have found vast necropolises near Pavlodar.

Elena Tusheva, archaeologist

Scientists hope that the mounds contain evidence of the architectural architecture of the Kimaks. So far we have only found fragments of bricks. There are some pieces of silk fabric and undetermined bones. Archaeologists say interesting things to come, when the second phase of excavation begins. In researches also schoolchildren participate.; video screenshot

 Historical sites are a very important part of our expedition. We began our expedition with a practical lesson on the basis of the museum "Ertis". And today we are trying ourselves in a role of archeologists.

Oksana Pityukova, a history teacher; video screenshot

 I would like to explore the potential of ecotourism in the Pavlodar region, how it can be revealed. And by looking at suitable places for tourist spots, I'm gathering information for my research in the project.

Azat Abyshev, a student

We started to study the culture of the Kimaks 50 years ago. Last year we resumed our search. The area of Baidala with its many ancient mounds is promising for archaeologists. Given that there is an active construction of private houses in the neighborhood, we should hurry to preserve the historical heritage, say the scientists.

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