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  3. EU Releases Statement on the Result of June 5 Referendum
Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 June, 2022 | 10:10
1 min read

EU Releases Statement on the Result of June 5 Referendum

EU welcomes political reforms initiated by Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

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The Central Referendum Commission announced the final results of the national referendum, Tengrinews reports. 

Out of 11,734,642 citizens eligible to vote, 7,985,769 people voted, resulting in a voter turnout of 68.05%. Of these, 77.18% of citizens voted in favor (6,163,516 people). 18.66% (1 490 470 people) voted against the amendments. 2.58% of ballots were declared invalid and 1.58% of ballots were rejected during the counting of votes.

The Telegram channel posted a statement made by an EU representative saying that the EU observed the results of Kazakhstan's constitutional referendum held on June 5. 

The statement notes that "the EU welcomes the political reforms initiated by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on March 16 in addition to the socio-economic reforms launched after the tragic events of January."

"We also welcome the decision to seek public opinion directly and to invite the OSCE ODIHR to observe the referendum. In the future, it will be extremely important for Kazakhstan to fully implement the recommendations of the OSCE ODIHR," the statement continues.

It is stressed that Kazakhstan remains an important and valuable partner for the European Union.

"Together we are working to fulfil the obligations under our Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, including in areas such as ensuring fundamental freedoms of peaceful assembly, expression and association, as well as developing our interconnectedness, trade and cooperation," the statement concludes.

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