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  3. Two New Metro Stations Opened in Almaty
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 May, 2022 | 13:37
1 min read

Two New Metro Stations Opened in Almaty

Daily passenger flow is expected to increase up to 85,000 people

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On May 30, two new metro stations, “Saryarka” and “Bauyrzhan Momyshuly”, opened in Almaty, the Akimat of the city reports. They continue the network of nine operating stations by connecting the center of the city with residential areas.

"Saryarka" is the next station after "Moscow" located along Abay Avenue between Altynsarin Avenue and Sain street near the Family Park. The station was named after Saryarka, the steppe terrain of the Kazakh uplands which has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The interior of the metro station was meant to reflect the beauty and endlessness of the Kazakh steppes.

The "Bauyrzhan Momyshuly" station is currently at the end of the metro line and is located to the west of Momyshuly street. Bauyrzhan Momushuly was a Soviet officer, one of Panfilov's guardsmen who participated in the Battle of Moscow during World War II. After the war, he devoted himself entirely to literary work.

In the future, the construction of the “Kalkaman” station and the development of the metro line in the western direction to the Barlyk market are planned.

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