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  3. Population of Kazakhstan Reaches 19 million
Astana, Kazakhstan • 17 May, 2022 | 14:25
2 min read

Population of Kazakhstan Reaches 19 million

A little more than half of the country lives in cities

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According to the Bureau of National Statistics, the country's population as of April 1, 2022 was 19.1 million people, with 11.4 million (59.5%) living in urban areas and 7.75 million (40.5%) in rural areas. Compared with April 1, 2021, the population increased by 238,300 people or 1.3%.

Natural increase

The natural population increase of the republic in January- March 2022 compared to January-March 2021 (64,300 people) decreased by 10.6% and amounted to 57,500 people. The natural population increase rate amounted to 12.13 per 1,000 population.

According to the data provided by civil register offices, in January-March 2022, the number of births amounted to 95,600 people, which is 4.8% less than in January-March 2021 (100,500 people). The crude birth rate amounted to 20.16 births per 1,000 population.

In the period under review, the number of deaths amounted to 38,100 people, which is 5.4% more than in January-March 2021 (36,100 people). The crude death rate amounted to 8.03 births per 1000 population.

In January-March 2022, 828 infant deaths under one year of age were registered in the republic. Compared to January-March 2021 (815 infant deaths) increased by 1.6%. The infant mortality rate amounted to 8.66 per 1000 live births.

Population migration

According to the data provided by migration authorities, in January-March 2022, 4,108 immigrants were registered in the country, the number of emigrants amounted to 5,281 people, and net migration was 1,173 people.

The main migration exchange of the country takes place with the CIS countries. The share of immigrants and emigrants to and from CIS countries amounted to 86% and 80.8% of the total number of migrants.

The number of internal migrants decreased by 12.6%. In terms of interregional migration, positive net migration was formed in three regions of the country: Nur-Sultan (7,523 people), Almaty (8,278 people), and Shymkent (866 people).

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