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  3. Turkey to Produce Its ANKA Combat Drones in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 13 May, 2022 | 13:29
1 min read

Turkey to Produce Its ANKA Combat Drones in Kazakhstan

The deal comes after President Tokayev's visit to Turkey

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During President Tokayev’s visit to Ankara, the heads of Kazakhstan Engineering and Turkish Aerospace signed the memorandum on military-technical cooperation. This was reported by the press service of Akorda. 

Production and maintenance

According to the document, the assembly and maintenance of Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles, ANKA, will be done in Kazakhstan. In addition to the joint production and transfer of technologies, the personnel of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan will be trained to maintain and repair the vehicles.

The ANKA reconnaissance and strike drone was created in Turkey in 2013 and was tested in combat conditions. Kazakhstan is to become the first foreign country to launch the production of ANKA drones. The CEO of Turkish Aerospace Industries Temel Kotil expressed his gratitude and hope for the further strengthening of ‘friendly ties with fraternal Kazakhstan’.

Just days before, on May 10, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev visited Turkey for the first time since his election in 2019.

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