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  3. Kazakh Wrestling Team Dominates Asian Championships
Astana, Kazakhstan • 21 April, 2022 | 16:12
1 min read

Kazakh Wrestling Team Dominates Asian Championships

Nine out of ten athletes scored a medal win placing the national team first

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United World Wrestling
United World Wrestling

Men's Asian Wrestling Championship in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia has come to a close with outstanding results for Team Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan's men's team ranked first with nine medal wins at the Asian Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling. Out of the ten wrestlers, nine have managed to snag a position in the top three.

Scores and wins

At the end of the two days of competition, our athletes managed to win two gold, five silver, and two bronze medals. This allowed Kazakhstan to take first place with a total point of 180. Iranian athletes came in second (151) and Kyrgyz wrestlers were third (133).

🥇 Alimkhan Syzdykov (130 kg)

🥇 Meirzhan Shermakhanbet (67kg)

🥈Amangali Bekbolatov (55 kg)

🥈Meirambek Ainagulov (63 kg)

🥈Maksat Yerezhepov (77 kg)

🥈Abylaikhan Hamzeev (72kg)

🥈Dias Kelen (82kg)

🥉Nursultan Tursunov (87 kg)

🥉Yernur Fidakhmetov (60kg)

Women's wrestlers will take to the mat today.

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