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  3. 100-Day Challenge: Kazakhstan Partners with UAE, Launches National Accelerator
Astana, Kazakhstan • 16 May, 2024 | 18:23
2 min read

100-Day Challenge: Kazakhstan Partners with UAE, Launches National Accelerator

The Ministry is launching an Executive Leadership Program training launched in Astana

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Qazaqstan Monitor: 100-Day Challenge: Kazakhstan Partners with UAE, Launches National Accelerator

Kazakhstan’s Digital and Space Ministry has announced the launch of the National Accelerator and a training program for its vice-ministers in partnership with the UAE, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the ministry.

What happened: May 15-17, a delegation from the United Arab Emirates is visiting Kazakhstan, headed by Deputy Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers for Competitiveness and Exchange of Experience, Abdulla Nasser Lootah.

During the visit, meetings were held with the Minister of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry, Zhaslan Madiyev, as well as with the heads of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Experience exchange: Discussions took place on cooperation in the exchange of experience in digital transformation and programming, strategic planning, and digitization of government activities. The latest developments in the field of digitalization, startups, and the activities of Astana Hub were also presented.

The 100-Day Challenge

As part of the bilateral meetings, the official launch of training under the Executive Leadership Program of the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government for leaders of state bodies in the Republic of Kazakhstan took place with the participation of the Program participants.

"Today we announced the launch of the National Accelerator. Having studied the experience of the UAE in accelerating solutions to current problematic issues within 100 days, we have decided to launch this mechanism within our National Project Office. Topics for acceleration jointly with government agencies have already been identified. One of the important directions is Capacity Building, within which, together with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we conduct training for leaders of state bodies in the Executive Leadership Program of the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government. That is, we will send our digital vice-ministers to the UAE for training in the newest approaches and methods of public administration in various fields with the application of artificial intelligence," 

noted Minister Zhaslan Madiyev.

About the challenge: “The 100-day Challenge” is a part of the UAE’s government accelerators initiative. The challenge’s methodology is built around three key phases, namely:

  • Phase 1 - Design, where Challenges are selected and the stakeholders are identified.

  • Phase 2 - Acceleration, where Acceleration Teams are nominated to address Acceleration Challenges. During this phase, these teams set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) to be achieved in 100 days or less.

  • Phase 3 - Sustainability, where the Acceleration Teams and the Government Accelerators prepare for the sustainability and scalability of the results achieved during the 100 days.

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