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  3. Culture Ministry Launches Online Archive Honoring WWII Veterans
Astana, Kazakhstan • 10 May, 2024 | 10:26
1 min read

Culture Ministry Launches Online Archive Honoring WWII Veterans

"Batyrlarga Tagzym" project currently holds data for 577,401 veterans from Kazakhstan

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Batyrlarga Tagzym
Batyrlarga Tagzym

The Ministry of Culture and Information announced the launch of “Batyrlarga Tagzym” (Veneration of Heroes) online archive aimed to commemorate Kazakh citizens who worked to stop the onslaught of World War II, QazMonitor reports citing the Ministry’s press service.

Archive: The site gathered information from public archives across eleven regions of Kazakhstan. It lets users access documents about wartime participants. Each profile includes biographical details, military actions, awards, and merits.

  • The pilot was launched in 2023. Since then, its functionality has expanded, and data has been organized into a full-fledged system.

  • The in-site search currently operates using the veteran's full name. The Ministry plans to add more search parameters like place of birth, place of service, rank, and more.

  • Currently, the archive holds data for 577,401 veterans.

We're inviting every Kazakh citizen to contribute to the project by adding information about veterans. Everyone can help by submitting preserved documents from personal family archives. These can be photos, documents, letters from the front, and other materials.

noted the Ministry.
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