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  3. Floods in Kazakhstan: 43,000 Return Home, Water Levels Fall in the West
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 May, 2024 | 12:56
1 min read

Floods in Kazakhstan: 43,000 Return Home, Water Levels Fall in the West

Across the country, 6,338 people remain in evacuation centers

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Ministry of Emergency Situations
Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Ministry of Emergency Situations continues monitoring the water level and flood situation across the regions in Kazakhstan. Overall, 43,015 people across the country have returned to their homes and 6,338 people are staying in evacuation centers, QazMonitor reports citing Central Communications Service (CCS).

In the Atyrau region, authorities are working on bank river bank reinforcement and using drones to monitor the flood situation.

In the East Kazakhstan region, as a result of heavy rain, the water level in the Bukhtarma and Kishi Ulba rivers has increased. Within flood relief efforts in the Altai and Glubokovsky districts, authorities sent task forces and means of the Department of Emergency Situations, a military unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Center for Disaster Medicine. Emergency crews conduct aerovisual monitoring flights.

In the West Kazakhstan region, the flood situation is stabilizing. The water level in the Zhaiyk River is receding. Authorities report no threat of flooding in the communities. Two settlements in the region are left without transport connections.

According to forecasts for the North Kazakhstan region, no upcoming flooding is expected. 3,186 houses and 750 adjacent areas remain flooded. More than 14,000 people were evacuated throughout the region; 764 people returned home.

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