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  3. Kazakhstan Welcomes Armenia–Azerbaijan Peace Talks in Almaty
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 May, 2024 | 09:33
1 min read

Kazakhstan Welcomes Armenia–Azerbaijan Peace Talks in Almaty

President Tokayev released a statement on the upcoming diplomatic meeting

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Wikimedia Commons/Vyacheslav Bukharov
Wikimedia Commons/Vyacheslav Bukharov

On May 1, the press service of Akorda published a statement by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on the upcoming peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Almaty, QazMonitor reports.

Statement: The President welcomed the agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan to hold a meeting between their respective foreign ministers. The upcoming talks will concern the peace treaty between the two states.

It is symbolic that this important event will be held in Almaty, where in December 1991 the historic Alma-Ata Declaration was signed, and which laid the foundation for independent development of CIS countries and endorsed the principles of determining interstate borders.

reads the statement.

The Kazakh side hopes that the upcoming meeting will contribute to the implementation and establishment of lasting peace in the South Caucasus region.

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