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  3. Kazakhstan Updates Electronic Digital Signature — What Changes?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 April, 2024 | 16:49
less than 1 min read

Kazakhstan Updates Electronic Digital Signature — What Changes?

Previously issued certificates will be maintained until their expiration date

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On April 30, the format of the electronic digital signature (EDS) will switch to an updated cryptographic standard in Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing the National Certification Authority.

New EDS keys will be issued on ‘GOST 2015’ algorithm. The update will affect several application aspects of EDS.

  • Individuals and legal entities will be issued a single EDS key which will be used for both authentication and signature.

  • An employee with the right to sign financial documents and Human Resources Officer EDS types are to be excluded from the available list of keys intended for use by legal entities.

  • All registration certificates issued before the update will be maintained until their expiration date.

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