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  3. Floods in Kazakhstan: Atyrau Region Braces for Highest Water Level
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 April, 2024 | 12:24
2 min read

Floods in Kazakhstan: Atyrau Region Braces for Highest Water Level

PM Bektenov held a meeting on flood prevention measures in western Kazakhstan

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Ministry of Emergency Situations
Ministry of Emergency Situations

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held an operational meeting on the flood situation in the west of Kazakhstan. The meeting briefed on the flood situation and preventative and relief measures in the West Kazakhstan and the Atyrau regions, QazMonitor reports citing

Peak level coming: Bektenov assigned the authorities of the Atyrau region to maximize the flood prevention measures. The government has instructed to take an approach similar to one in the West Kazakhstan region, where preventive flood control measures allowed the flood peak to pass without large-scale destruction.

"Now a lot of water is flowing into the Atyrau region, a peak is anticipated in the coming days. It is imperative to mobilize all resources and use the experience of the West Kazakhstan region to attract additional forces from other regions. It is necessary to ensure hourly monitoring of water levels and increase the length and height of protective dams. We need to protect the region and prevent flooding,"

said the Prime Minister.

How the West Kazakhstan coped: Over 11,000 people and about 2,000 pieces of equipment were involved in counter-flood efforts in the West Kazakhstan region. Protective structures with a length of about 150 km were erected, and 1.3 million bags of inert material were laid. Military personnel and rescuers from 14 regions were mobilized.

In the Oral city, dams erected along 18 residential areas ensured their complete protection. Water did not reach residential buildings and social facilities in the city. Residents residing in flooded regions of gardening associations and houses situated in the floodplain of the Zhaiyk River were preemptively evacuated.

The region’s administration reported that residents of 909 houses have returned to their homes, and over 5,000 heads of livestock relocated to safe grazing areas.

The operational headquarters of the region and the Aftermath Elimination Commission have collected about 8,000 applications and assessed more than a thousand houses.

A total of 1,672 families were granted a one-time payment equivalent to 100 MCI (about $836). The authorities continue to work on assisting the affected citizens.

"The flood situation is stabilizing. [...] Now there is no new threat of flooding of houses [in the West Kazakhstan region - QM],"

said the Prime Minister.

How the Atyrau region prepares: The region is currently the focal point for flood preparedness efforts, as the water level of the Zhaiyk River continues to rise daily. Approximately 100 cm remains until it reaches the critical threshold.

  • Today, over 13,000 people and 1,200 pieces of equipment are involved in emergency rescue operations in the Atyrau region.

  • Over 500 km of dams have been built in the region, including 242 km along residential areas in Atyrau.

  • Dredging operations continue at the Zhaiyk River’s mouth, at the Caspian Sea. 

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