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  3. Kazakh Student Clinched Kazakhstan’s First-Ever Gold at ICPC 2023
Astana, Kazakhstan • 25 April, 2024 | 11:05
1 min read

Kazakh Student Clinched Kazakhstan’s First-Ever Gold at ICPC 2023

The national team has been competing at the International Collegiate Programming Contest for 20 years

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Ministry of Digital and Space
Ministry of Digital and Space

Batyr Sardarbekov, from the International IT University, won Kazakhstan’s first-ever gold medal at the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals 2023, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Digital and Space.

What happened: The 46th and 47th ICPC World Finals took place in Luxor, Egypt, on April 14-19. The event was a combined edition of the ICPC’s 2022 and 2023 finals which had been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • In the 2023 finals of the contest, Batyr Sardarbekov, representing the International IT University in Almaty, clinched the gold medal. Kazakh sports programmers have been participating in ICPC competitions for 20 years, and for the first time, a participant from Kazakhstan secured a gold medal.

Competition: ICPC is a competition for programmers from around the world. The contest in Egypt this year gathered 263 teams from over 50 countries. During the competition, teams of three are given five hours to solve algorithmic problems. 

  • In the ICPC World Finals 2022, Kazakhstan was represented by two universities – International IT University in Almaty and Astana IT University.

  • In the ICPC World Finals 2023, Kazakhstan was represented by four universities – Astana IT University, Nazarbayev University from Astana, and Kazakh British Technical University, and International IT University from Almaty. 

Kazakhstan is set to host the next ICPC World Finals 2024 in September this year in Astana.

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