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  3. Kazakhstan Proposes New Platform to Harmonize Aviation Practices in Eurasia
Astana, Kazakhstan • 24 April, 2024 | 14:30
1 min read

Kazakhstan Proposes New Platform to Harmonize Aviation Practices in Eurasia

The initiative was presented at the ICAO conference in France

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Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Transport

On April 23, the Kazakh delegation suggested establishing the Eurasian Civil Aviation Conference (EACAC) at the ICAO’s European and North Atlantic Directors General of Civil Aviation Meeting in Toulouse, France. The organization will aim to streamline aviation practices across Central Asia, the Caucasus, and neighboring countries, QazMonitor reports citing the Ministry of Transport.

What it means: EACAC will allow aviation authorities from participating countries to share experiences, knowledge, and practices in flight safety, aviation security, protocols, sustainable development, unmanned aerial vehicles, and aviation personnel training. Membership in this organization is open to states in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and neighboring regions.

Academic cooperation: At the conference, the Civil Aviation Academy in Almaty and the École Nationale de L'aviation Civile (National School of Civil Aviation) in Toulouse signed a cooperation agreement. This document will serve as the foundation for future agreements on personnel training, academic exchanges, and collaborative research projects.

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