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  3. Kazakhstan to Start Building 5 Water Reservoirs in 2024
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 April, 2024 | 10:40
1 min read

Kazakhstan to Start Building 5 Water Reservoirs in 2024

Plans include the reconstruction of 15 existing water storage facilities

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The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation has initiated work on the construction of 20 reservoirs in Kazakhstan. New reservoirs will be constructed in 11 regions, QazMonitor reports citing the Central Communications Service.

Reservoir projects: “The construction of five reservoirs is planned to begin this year. The new reservoirs will increase the area of irrigated land by 250,000 hectares and reduce the threat of flooding in 70 settlements with a population of 137,000 people. The country's 15 existing reservoirs will be reconstructed. This will reduce the threat of flooding in 64 settlements with a population of 70,000 people, as well as improve the water supply to 74,000 hectares of irrigated land,” said Official Representative of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation Moldir Abdualieva at a briefing at the Republican Information Headquarters.

Floods: The Ministry also provided an update on the current flood situation in various Kazakh regions.

  • The flooding persists in the North Kazakhstan region.

  • In the West Kazakhstan region, the water discharged from the Iriklinsky reservoir is expected to reach Kazakh borders on April 15–20.

  • In the East Kazakhstan region, three large reservoirs are at 84.8% capacity on average. A period of flooding has begun in the region, launching releases along the Yertis cascade of reservoirs.

  • According to Kazhydromet, the uncontrolled flow of the Zhabai River is increasing, which prompts floods in the Atbasar district of the Akmola region.

  • In the Aktobe region, two large reservoirs are at 97% capacity. The situation in the region is stable.

  • The flood storage and discharge are controlled by specialists from the Ministry. 

“The Ministry, the regional administration (akimat) and the Department of Emergency Situations are actively working to address the issue,”

said Moldir Abdualieva.
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