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  3. Kazakhstan Plans to Increase Fuel Prices for Foreign Citizens
Astana, Kazakhstan • 11 April, 2024 | 17:20
2 min read

Kazakhstan Plans to Increase Fuel Prices for Foreign Citizens

The Ministry of Energy has drafted a proposal to adjust prices depending on consumption volumes and the origin of vehicles

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The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan has drafted a proposal to adjust gasoline AI-92, AI-93, and diesel fuel prices depending on consumption volumes and origin of vehicles. The proposal aims to maintain fuel balance in the domestic market and minimize risks associated with spillover and "gray" exports of petroleum products, the Ministry's press service reports.

Regional context: Currently, Kazakhstan has the lowest fuel and lubricant prices among Eurasian Economic Union countries due to state price regulation. However, this leads to significant risks of spillover and illicit exports of petroleum products to neighboring states.

Price hikes: According to the draft order, the price of AI-92 and AI-93 gasoline will be set at ₸245 per liter. For those presenting a driver's license issued in Kazakhstan, the price remains at ₸205 per liter for purchases of up to 100 liters per day. Additionally, for individuals presenting both a driver's license and vehicle registration certificate issued in Kazakhstan, purchases of up to 300 liters per day will also be priced at ₸205 per liter.

The document suggests that diesel fuel (summer, off-season) will be priced at ₸315 per liter. Presenting a driver's license issued in Kazakhstan allows purchases of up to 100 liters per day at ₸295 per liter. Similarly, presenting both a driver's license and vehicle registration certificate for trucks, special, specialized vehicles, and buses issued in Kazakhstan allows purchases of up to 300 liters per day at ₸295 per liter.

Thus, prices for fuel and lubricants remain the same for citizens with a driver's license and vehicle registration certificate issued in Kazakhstan.

Next steps: The draft order is published on the Open Legal Acts website for discussion and proposals from interested parties. The final decision will be made after completing all procedures and considering stakeholder proposals.

The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan reports uninterrupted production, shipment, and replenishment of fuel and lubricants. The domestic market maintains a significant stock of petroleum products, ensuring a stable supply situation.

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