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  3. Floods in Kazakhstan: Health Ministry Tests Drinking Water Quality
Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 April, 2024 | 10:29
1 min read

Floods in Kazakhstan: Health Ministry Tests Drinking Water Quality

Over 4000 samples of drinking water tested for quality

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Ministry of Healthcare
Ministry of Healthcare

The Ministry of Healthcare of Kazakhstan has reported on the epidemiological situation during the flood period. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Services (SES) have shifted to an enhanced mode of service, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Ministry.

Stable situation: In Kazakhstan, the current epidemiological situation concerning infections remains stable, following an expected pattern specific to flood periods.

Specialists from the National Center for Public Health Care have been dispatched to various regions in Kazakhstan to provide organizational and methodological support for implementing preventive and counter-epidemic measures during the flood period.

Control and testing: The sanitary services have reinforced drinking water quality control. Since the beginning of the floods, over 4000 samples of drinking water have been collected and tested for sanitary, chemical, and microbiological indicators.

Findings: Laboratory water quality and safety tests revealed no indications of risks of waterborne outbreaks of infectious diseases.

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