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  3. Kazakhstan, Italy Discuss Joint Trademark and Horse Meat Import
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 March, 2024 | 13:11
3 min read

Kazakhstan, Italy Discuss Joint Trademark and Horse Meat Import

The two countries are considering an initiative to create a joint “Made in Kazakhstan with Italy” brand

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On March 11, 2024, the Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliev met with the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso in Rome. The parties discussed the expansion of trade relations between Kazakhstan and Italy and the introduction of a unified concept “Made in Kazakhstan with Italy”, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Ministry.

Horse meat import: Arman Shakkaliev noted that Kazakhstan and Italy have already established a practice of cooperation. Kazakhstan is a reliable business partner of Italian business in Central Asia. At the same time, the countries have opportunities to further deepen their economic partnership, he noted. Considering that Italy annually imports horse meat worth over $140 million, Kazakh companies could supply quality meat to Italian buyers.

“The potential for export of processed goods from Kazakhstan to Italy exceeds $260 million. Organic food products have significant benefits. One of the promising products that, according to our forecasts, will be in demand on the Italian market is horse meat. Kazakhstan can offer organic chilled horse meat, as well as export supplies of caviar and honey,”

Shakkaliev said.

Made in Kazakhstan with Italy: In continuation of the agreements reached in January 2024 between the heads of Kazakhstan and Italy, Arman Shakkaliev proposed to work on the issue of creating and promoting a unified trademark “Made in Kazakhstan with Italy”. This trademark can be used for goods produced jointly by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Italy and Kazakhstan.

“To stimulate domestic production, we plan to introduce a Register of goods of Kazakh origin. It will be available to all interested parties and will become the only source of information about goods of Kazakh origin. Goods from this register will be eligible to receive state support,”

said Shakkaliev.

Global identification: Minister of Business Adolfo Urso noted that the concept of “Made in Italy” today is more about global identification of products, sustainable products, and social sustainability, which carries “well made” and “well recognizable” connotations. He supported the initiative to create a single brand. According to the minister, for a manufacturer to release a product under the “Made in Kazakhstan” sign, it must, first of all, emphasize the features of its products to distinguish itself from many other brands.

Kazakh-Italian trade: On the same day, Arman Shakkaliev held negotiations with the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy Maria Tripodi.

The parties discussed the further development of trade and economic cooperation and the practical implementation of agreements between the heads of Kazakhstan and Italy.

Tripodi emphasized that SMEs are the foundation of both Italian entrepreneurship and the Kazakh economy. In this regard, there is an opportunity to establish cooperation in many areas. Undersecretary Tripodi also noted the importance of close interaction between institutions for the development and promotion of exports and trade.

Italy–Central Asia Conference: The implementation of the agreements reached will be carried out within the framework of the Intergovernmental Working Group. Finally, the parties discussed the organization of the “Italy + Central Asia” Ministerial Conference, which will be held in May 2024.

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