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  3. China to Send 200 Transit Container Trains through Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 March, 2024 | 15:29
1 min read

China to Send 200 Transit Container Trains through Kazakhstan

KTZ Express and Yuxinou Logistics Co., Ltd signed an agreement

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On February 29, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Logistics of NC KTZ JSC Yerlan Koishibayev met with the heads of the port logistics zone of the Chongqing municipality and the logistics platform Yuxinou (Chongqing) Logistics Co., Ltd, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the KTZ.

Results: By the results of the meeting in Chongqing, PRC, KTZ Express JSC and Yuxinou signed an Agreement on the organization and dispatch of 200 container trains through Kazakhstan, including along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) with a cargo volume of more than 20,000 TEU.

Context: In 2024, Yuxinou and KTZ organized a joint service for TITR from Chongqing to Poti (Georgia) with delivery times on average up to 14 days. Since the beginning of the year, KTZ has reached agreements with logistics platforms in Xi'an, Jiangsu, Beijing, Zhengzhou, and Chongqing. These agreements aim to organize and dispatch 3,500 transit container trains through Kazakhstan, amounting to about 350,000 TEU.

References: Chongqing is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 32 million people, a GDP of $440 billion by the end of 2023. High-tech production of goods with high added value is located here. Chongqing is the leader in car exports from China.

Yuxinou, Chongqing's largest logistics platform, dispatches more than 2,500 trains annually in both western and eastern directions.

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