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  3. President Tokayev Congratulates Nation on Gratitude Day
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 March, 2024 | 11:34
1 min read

President Tokayev Congratulates Nation on Gratitude Day

On March 1, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Gratitude

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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated the nation of Kazakhstan on the Day of Gratitude, the press service of Akorda reports.

"Dear compatriots! I congratulate you on the Day of Gratitude! This is an important holiday, which contributes to strengthening the cohesion of our people. By expressing gratitude and honor to each other, we promote such fundamental values as friendship, harmony and solidarity. All this contributes to the consolidation of our nation,"

said the Head of State.

The President noted that Mercifulness, compassion, and readiness to help — the qualities inherent in our people for centuries, especially manifested in times of adversity.

"Today we are steadily following the path of building Just Kazakhstan, step by step realizing large-scale transformations. In this crucial period, it is extremely important for us to protect national unity, putting the interests of the country above all else. I am convinced that we as a progressive nation will achieve all the high goals we have set. I express my sincere gratitude to all citizens who contribute to the progressive development of Kazakhstan with their tireless work. I wish you happiness and prosperity!" President Tokayev concluded.

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