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  3. Kazakh Civil Servants Fired over Criminal Offenses Might Be Rehired
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 March, 2024 | 10:33
1 min read

Kazakh Civil Servants Fired over Criminal Offenses Might Be Rehired

The Mazhilis approved the amendments to the law in the first reading

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On February 28, the Mazhilis, the lower house of Parliament, approved the bill relaxing the conditions for rehiring civil servants that were previously dismissed for committing discreditable conduct, QazMonitor reports.

Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs Darhan Zhazykbayev recalled that the Constitutional Court pointed out that the right of citizens to access civil service can be limited only by laws and only to the extent necessary to protect the constitutional order, the protection of public order, human rights and freedoms, health and morals of the population.

"Also, in the opinion of the Constitutional Court, citizens who have committed an administrative or criminal offense are in a more favorable position compared to persons for whom the ban on entry into public service is associated with their dismissal for disciplinary offenses," he said at the plenary session of the Mazhilis.

"A two-year term of restriction on the acceptance of a citizen dismissed for negative reasons from law enforcement service, special bodies and military service is introduced, as the bill changes the wording of the norms on the restrictions themselves,"

explained Darkhan Zhazykbayev.

The document titled "On introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of their harmonization with the norms of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was approved in the first reading at the Mazhilis plenary session in Astana. Instead of an indefinite ban, the bill proposes to establish the following terms of restriction for officials dismissed from public service to be rehired:

  • one year — applicable to civil servants dismissed for failure to comply with the restrictions established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or service ethics;

  • two years — to civil servants dismissed for disciplinary offenses;

  • three years — to civil servants who committed administrative corruption offenses or criminal offenses;

  • five years — to civil servants who have committed crimes of minor and medium gravity.

At the same time, indefinite restriction is preserved for people who have committed corruption, grave and especially grave crimes, as well as for people who have committed crimes as part of a criminal group.

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