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  3. Business Support: Government to Launch Offtake Contract System
Astana, Kazakhstan • 07 February, 2024 | 09:28
1 min read

Business Support: Government to Launch Offtake Contract System

The new Prime Minister outlined the cabinet's goals before the Parliament

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On February 6, the new Prime Minister, Olzhas Bektenov, spoke after his office was approved by the Lower House of the Parliament, outlining the cabinet’s goals for the future, QazMonitor reports.

Bektenov noted that the government will emphasize industry, oil, and other areas, aiming to stimulate domestic production and increase the share of products manufactured in Kazakhstan. For this purpose, the Prime Minister announced the launching of a system of offtake agreements to support domestic businesses.

We will also work on water resources, energy conservation, transportation, and logistics networks. Measures to ensure the rule of law and other issues of concern to the population will always be in the government's attention.

Olzhas Bektenov, Prime Minister
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