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  3. Kazakhstan Plans Reserved Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces with Parking Perks
Astana, Kazakhstan • 18 January, 2024 | 17:01
1 min read

Kazakhstan Plans Reserved Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces with Parking Perks

The initiative aligns with the country’s broader strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

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Kazakhstan is set to implement the reservation of territory for electric car charging stations, as announced in a bill adopted today in the first reading by Majilis deputies, QazMonitor reports.

According to Deputy Arman Kalykov, the key provisions of the bill include the introduction of the term "electric vehicle" to officially recognize this mode of transport at the legislative level. It also mandates the allocation of dedicated spaces for electric charging stations in road design. Additionally, the bill proposes detailed planning for the reservation of territories to accommodate electric charging stations, encompassing residential and public areas. This involves integrating the planning of specially protected areas with parking lots featuring electric charging stations in locations connected to the elementary and secondary road networks.

The legislation further outlines provisions for specifically designated parking spaces for vehicles equipped with electric motors. Owners of electric cars will be exempt from parking fees, and the bill categorizes electric charging stations as roadside service objects, designating separate spaces for them.

The Law "On Road Traffic" suggests a norm prohibiting non-electric vehicles from parking in spaces designated for electric charging stations. Consequently, the Code "On Administrative Offenses" introduces administrative responsibility for violations of this nature.

Arman Kalykov emphasized that this initiative aligns with the broader strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage the transition from traditional combustion engine vehicles to electric ones.

Following deliberations, the Majilis approved the bill titled "On Introducing Amendments and Addenda to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Regarding the Popularization of Environmentally Friendly Transport and Infrastructure Development for Electric Vehicles" in its first reading.

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