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  3. Aida Balayeva: "Tauelsizdik Urpaktary" Grant Is Award for Diligently Talented Youth
Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 December, 2023 | 16:32
2 min read

Aida Balayeva: "Tauelsizdik Urpaktary" Grant Is Award for Diligently Talented Youth

The Culture Minister participated in presenting awards to thirty promising projects in business, science, culture, media, and IT

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On December 20, in Astana, the authors of thirty promising projects in business, science, culture, media, and IT were awarded the Tauelsizdik Urpaktary—The Generation of Independence—grants, QazMonitor reports citing the Ministry of Culture and Information.

The ceremony was attended by Minister of Culture and Information Aida Balayeva, deputies of the Parliament’s Lower House, representatives of the Council for Youth Policy under the President of Kazakhstan, and other public figures.

The Tauelsizdik Urpaktary grant, established by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in 2021, aims to support both new and existing initiatives of Kazakh youth. In the years since its inception, 63 individuals have successfully realized their projects, making notable contributions not only within Kazakhstan but also abroad

Balayeva welcomed the participants of the ceremony, noting the importance of opening new opportunities for the youth.

She stressed, "We live in an era of great changes, and our young people are entrusted with the most important responsibility—to choose the right guidelines, to be worthy citizens, to strive for success through self-development, study, and diligence." Minister Balayeva highlighted that “Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev pays special attention to youth, its development, opening new and wide opportunities for them. Young people who follow the path of diligence and knowledge, who deeply understand the meaning of human dignity and respect for ancestral traditions, are our common hope. The grant you have received today is a reward for your persistence and talent, diligence and dedication, recognition of your importance and potential.”

May it become an incentive for you for further development. Let each of your steps lead to new achievements and discoveries, and your creative, scientific, and business ideas will make a significant contribution to the development of our country. I believe that you will make our Kazakhstan even better!

Aida Balayeva, Minister of Culture and Information

This year, the competition attracted over 3000 applications across five categories. These encompassed diverse projects with goals ranging from the popularization of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage and the promotion of folk and cultural traditions to the execution of scientific research, startups, and initiatives in the IT sector. Additionally, creative business ideas spanning various key sectors of the economy were submitted. Thirty participants with the most promising projects were selected to receive grants of ₸3 million each.

Furthermore, since 1992, young people engaged in scientific, creative, and athletic activities, as well as those with achievements in sports, have been annually awarded the Daryn State Youth Award. Young Kazakh writers and poets have become the recipients of the Presidential Literary Award, while talented scientists receive the D.A. Konayev Award and scientific scholarships.

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