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  3. Over 19,400 Ethnic Kazakhs Repatriated to Kazakhstan in 2023
Astana, Kazakhstan • 19 December, 2023 | 11:07
2 min read

Over 19,400 Ethnic Kazakhs Repatriated to Kazakhstan in 2023

Over 1 million repatriates have returned to the republic since 1991

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The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population reported that as of December 1, 2023, 19,476 people of Kazakh heritage have repatriated to Kazakhstan. Overall, a total of 1,126,500 repatriates have returned to the country since 1991, QazMonitor reports citing the Ministry’s press service.

More than half of the repatriates seeking the status of kandas (Kazakh for compatriot), or 51.9%, who arrived in Kazakhstan since the beginning of this year, are natives of Uzbekistan; 19.6% are from China, 10.8% from Mongolia, 8.5% from Turkmenistan, 7.2% from Russia, and 2% from other countries.

As of December 1, 2023, the number of ethnic migrants of working age is 60.5%, minors constitute 30.9%, and retirees make up 8.6%. Among those of working age, 15.3% have attained higher education, 33.6% possess vocational education, 42.8% have completed primary education, and 8.3% have no formal education.

The government has identified Akmola, Abay, Kostanay, Pavlodar, East, and North Kazakhstan as regions facing a labor shortage for the resettlement of repatriates. The established quota for resettlement in these regions for 2023 has been set at 2,337 people. As of December 1, 2023, 2,053 people have been resettled in the specified regions.

Resettlers in these areas receive state subsidies, a lump sum of ₸241,500 for each family member, and monthly payments ranging from ₸51,700 to ₸103,500 for rent and utilities over one year. Since the beginning of the year, support measures have been extended to 1,630 repatriates. Specifically, 614 people have secured permanent employment, 1,630 individuals have received one-time subsidies, and 513 have benefited from subsidized housing costs.

The government has implemented measures to support employers engaged in the resettlement of citizens to the northern regions of the republic. Additionally, a certificate of economic mobility, provided on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis, has been introduced for the purchase or construction of housing, or to cover part of the down payment on mortgage housing loans. This certificate amounts to 50% of the housing cost or up to ₸4 million per family.

Earlier this year, the one-stop principle for granting repatriation status through the embassies of Kazakhstan was introduced in the pilot stage. Within the framework of this principle, individuals seeking the kandas status can obtain it without visiting the country and can determine their place of work and accommodation. To date, 2,058 applications (690 families) from people of Kazakh heritage have been accepted through the new format.

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