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Astana, Kazakhstan • 28 March, 2022 | 16:48
1 min read

Kazakhstan Is The Happiest Country Among CIS

Ranking is based on six factors including health expectancy and social welfare

According to World Happiness Report 2022, Kazakhstan ranked 40th in the world ranking of happiest countries.

Survey results

Scientists from all around the globe got together to evaluate survey results of people in 150 countries. The happiness index was based on people’s assessment of their quality of life, including healthy life expectancy, social support, and how happy they feel.

Finland was named the happiest country for the fifth year in a row. Denmark is in second place, while Iceland has moved from fourth to third place.

More than nine million people took part in such surveys in 2021.

Evaluating your life

The colour-coded sub-bars in each country row represent the extent to which six key variables contribute to explaining life evaluations. These variables (shown in Table 2.1) are GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and corruption. 

Scientists use observed data on the six variables and estimates of their associations with life evaluations to explain the observed variation of life evaluations across countries, much as epidemiologists estimate the extent to which life expectancy is affected by factors such as smoking, exercise and diet.

They also show how measures of experienced well-being, especially positive affect, are predicted by the six factors and how the affect measures contribute to the explanation of higher life evaluations.

Kazakhstan specifically has seen a rise in self-reported feelings of happiness over the years. From 2013-2020, the index rose from 5.67 to 6.15, seeing a dramatic increase between 2019 and 2020.

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