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  3. Hostel Fire Claims Lives of 13 People in Almaty
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 November, 2023 | 14:40
1 min read

Hostel Fire Claims Lives of 13 People in Almaty

Citizens of Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan died in a tragic incident on November 30

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Ruslan Pryanikov for
Ruslan Pryanikov for

At around 5:33 a.m. on November 30, a fire broke out in a hostel on Adi Sharipov Street in Almaty, claiming the lives of 13 people, QazMonitor reports.

According to preliminary information from the city's Department of Emergency Situations, 72 individuals were inside the hostel during the incident, with 59 evacuating on their own. Thirteen people succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning. The victims include citizens of Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan.

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov has directed the government to establish a commission to investigate the causes and address the consequences of the fire. The commission will comprise representatives from the administration of Almaty city and heads of state and law enforcement agencies. In addition, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has instructed the government and Almaty city administration to provide assistance to the families of the victims.

The QazMonitor editorial staff extends heartfelt condolences to the families and friends affected by this devastating loss.

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