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  3. “A real hero”: Teen Saved Runaway Bus from Crashing in Almaty Region
Astana, Kazakhstan • 24 November, 2023 | 16:29
1 min read

“A real hero”: Teen Saved Runaway Bus from Crashing in Almaty Region

The student promptly hit the brakes upon noticing that the bus driver was losing consciousness

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In the Ile district of the Almaty region, an 8th-grade student prevented a potential accident by stopping a bus when the driver lost consciousness at the wheel, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Akimat.

According to the authorities, the driver, experiencing a seizure, lost control of the vehicle. Akzhol Geroy, an 8th-grade student, promptly hit the brakes, bringing the bus to a halt and avoiding a collision.

“Akzhol lives in the Otegen Batyr village, Karasu microdistrict. He comes from a large family, being the eldest of seven siblings. He studies well, is compassionate, kind, disciplined, and active," said Zakhida Torekhodzhaeva, the director of the school where Akzhol studies.

Notably, the student's last name, Geroy is Russian for "Hero".

Marat Sultangaziyev, the akim of the Almaty Region, expressed gratitude to Akzhol through a letter and gifts for his quick and decisive actions.

"Such deeds deserve special gratitude and recognition. We are proud of the young hero of our district; he should become an example for all young people," said the akim of Almaty region.

Kazakh social media users are praising the boy for his actions, commenting “He lives up to his name”, “He is a real hero!”, “Well done, he prevented a huge accident”.

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