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  3. Murder of Ex-minister's Wife: President Tokayev Urges Special Oversight in the Investigation
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 November, 2023 | 16:32
2 min read

Murder of Ex-minister's Wife: President Tokayev Urges Special Oversight in the Investigation

Former National Economy minister Kuandyk Bishimbayev is detained on suspicion of murdering his wife


On November 15, 2023, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held consultations with the Minister of Internal Affairs Yerzhan Sadenov, Prosecutor General Berik Assylov, Supreme Court Chairman Aslambek Mergaliev, and heads of other relevant departments, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of Akorda.

The President underscored the critical importance of legal compliance, the elevation of citizens' legal awareness, and the promotion of a culture of lawfulness.

According to Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, the principle of Law and Order should become an ideological and political guide for Kazakhstan's society. The current situation requires an unwavering stance against all forms of offenses: from uncultivated behavior in the streets to fights, thefts, and murders.

The President believes that combating such negative phenomena requires collective societal effort, fostering an environment of absolute intolerance for any violations of Law and Order, including domestic violence, vandalism, loutish behavior, and hooliganism. Any acts of violence against women and children should be combated.

Regarding a recent high-profile murder in one of the capital’s restaurants, the President directed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to keep this case under special control.

The law must be the same for everyone. Justice in society is the solidarity of citizens in the name of legal reinforcement. A Just Kazakhstan is a country where Law and Order prevail.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the President of Kazakhstan

Throughout the consultations, the President underscored the immense responsibility placed on law enforcement and judicial personnel for establishing justice and order in society.

On November 9, the police detained Kazakhstan’s ex-vice minister of National Economy Kuandyk Bishimbayev on suspicion of murdering his wife Saltanat Nukenova in one of the restaurants in Astana.

On November 11, the Specialized Interdistrict Investigative Court in Astana approved a two-month detention for Kuandyk Bishimbayev as a pre-trial restriction measure. Subsequently, it was revealed that another individual, the director of the ‘Gastro-Center’, has also been arrested for a two-month period in connection with this case.

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