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  3. Central Asian Nations to Create Joint Green Energy Venture to Export to Europe
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 November, 2023 | 08:54
1 min read

Central Asian Nations to Create Joint Green Energy Venture to Export to Europe

The countries agreed to explore the prospect of opening a joint venture

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Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan have collaboratively agreed to draft terms of reference and establish a joint venture for the export of green energy, the Kazakh Ministry of Energy reports.

This agreement was reached during a meeting of the Ministers of Energy and Economy from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, which took place in Baku. The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss the potential for exporting electricity from Central Asian countries to Europe through Azerbaijan.

Following the meeting, the department heads signed a joint communiqué, acknowledging the countries' significant potential in the field of renewable energy. They expressed their collective readiness to participate in the project, exporting electricity from alternative sources to Europe.

To advance this initiative, the participants agreed to form a joint working group. This group will be tasked with developing terms of reference for cooperation in two key areas: energy exchange, with a specific emphasis on renewable energy sources, and the exploration of opportunities for the development and export of green hydrogen and green ammonia, including the creation of necessary infrastructure.

Upon the approval of the developed terms of reference, a tender will be issued for a pre-feasibility study. Simultaneously, the participants committed to exploring the establishment of a joint venture to effectively implement the proposed project.

The next meeting at the ministerial level, focusing on both economy and energy, is scheduled to take place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

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