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  3. Robotek Competes in the World Robot Olympiad Finals
Astana, Kazakhstan • 07 November, 2023 | 16:28
1 min read

Robotek Competes in the World Robot Olympiad Finals

Three teams from Astana's Robotek school are representing Kazakhstan as part of the national team

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November 7-9, Panama has become the stage for a grand celebration, hosting the World Robot Olympiad finals, where young talents from over 100 countries have gathered to showcase their skills, QazMonitor reports.

The World Robot Olympiad (WRO) stands as one of the most prestigious competitions for school students, and its global reach expands yearly.

This year, three teams from Robotek, an Astana-based school of robotics, have become a great addition to Kazakhstan’s national team. The school has sent experienced young engineers to the Olympiad: Vagiz Disembaev, Zhanarys Kaparov, Ansar Saurbayev, Amir Karabayev, Batyrkhan Bayterekov, and Marat Kazkenov. All the team members earned their right to represent the country at the WRO-2023 national championship in Kazakhstan.

These young talents are gearing up to compete in two categories: Future Engineers and Robomission. The engineers will test their knowledge, engineering thinking, and creativity — all cultivated within the Robotek school meeting the world standards.


The central theme for WRO-2023 is ‘Connecting the World’. In a world where robotics and artificial intelligence are consistently reshaping our daily lives, the global mission of WRO-2023 is to ensure that human-robot collaboration is successful and safe. In Panama, the teams will work with robots that create infrastructure and logistics for the digital industry.

A notable highlight of WRO-2023 is the signing of a memorandum of cooperation with representatives from the best robotics schools and clubs in Turkic countries.

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