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  3. President Tokayev Congratulates Citizens on Republic Day
Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 October, 2023 | 18:35
2 min read

President Tokayev Congratulates Citizens on Republic Day

Republic Day symbolizes our sincere desire to build a harmonious and prosperous society, says the President

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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated the citizens of Kazakhstan on Republic Day, which is celebrated in the country on October 25, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of Akorda.

The Declaration of State Sovereignty outlined the historical choice of Kazakhstan, laying a solid foundation for the progressive progress of the country. This truly momentous document enshrined the indivisibility and inviolability of our territory, commitment to strengthening the national identity, guarantees of rights and freedoms of citizens. These fundamental principles are embodied today in the Constitution, laws and strategic course of Kazakhstan.
Republic Day is a glorious symbol of our people's centuries-old dream of Independence. This holiday reminds us that thanks to unity and solidarity our people have always overcome any challenges and trials. Following the tenets of our ancestors, we preserve and strengthen national unity, sacredly honor and protect our sovereignty.
Republic Day symbolizes our sincere desire to build a harmonious and prosperous society by joint efforts, inspires us to new achievements. This is where responsible citizenship manifests itself — in the readiness of each of us to contribute to the sustainable development of the country by word and action.
Only together we will be able to realize all the planned transformations and build the Just Kazakhstan - the state of equal opportunities for all!

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

State Counselor Erlan Karin explained the utmost significance of the national holiday.

“It was on this day in 1990 that the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Republic was adopted at the meeting of the Supreme Council of the country after six hours of heated discussions. The draft itself was developed for five months by a large group of deputies, scientists and public figures and for the first time in the history of Kazakhstan, the fundamental state document involved an active public discussion,” Karin wrote in his Telegram channel.

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