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Astana, Kazakhstan • 13 September, 2023 | 11:31
1 min read

Water Ministry to Build Nine Reservoirs in Two Years

In total, the ministry is responsible for constructing twenty water reservoirs with a combined capacity of 800 million cubic meters

Kazakhstan plans to construct twenty water reservoirs with a combined capacity of 800 million cubic meters, nine of which will be commissioned in the next two years, QazMonitor reports citing Khabar24.

The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation has already completed emergency repairs at sixteen facilities, with the reconstruction of fifteen reservoirs still to come.

“The total volume of water withdrawal for the needs of the population and economic sectors is about 25 cubic kilometers, with 65% allocated for agriculture, 30% for industry, and the remainder for the population. The Water Code, currently under development, will take into account the key directions of the new tariff policy,” said Seilbek Nurymbetov, the deputy chair of the Committee for Water Resources.

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