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Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 September, 2023 | 09:47
less than 1 min read

How High Is the Cost of Living in Astana and Almaty?

A minimum of ₸450,000 per month is required to cover all basic needs in major Kazakh cities

Collage by QazMonitor
Collage by QazMonitor

Jusan Analytics calculated the essential expenses necessary for an individual or a family in Kazakhstan to achieve a minimum level of comfort and meet the cost of living, QazMonitor reports.

The study categorized employees in Astana and Almaty into six groups based on their income and expenses, determining the composition of each class: lowest income, low, lower-middle class, middle, upper-middle, and the well-off.

The study's key findings are as follows:

  • ₸246,300, or 60% of a salary, is spent on basic expenses every month

  • The highest daily expenses are typically incurred during the first four days following salary receipt

  • To lead a comfortable life in major cities, a minimum of ₸450,000 per month is required to cover all basic needs

  • Nearly half of the employed population in Astana and Almaty, accounting for 49%, do not earn enough income to cover their daily expenses

  • There is a significant disparity in the financial situations of workers between the two major cities, with almost four times as many people facing financial difficulties in Almaty compared to the capital

  • Only 4.4% of employees can be classified as middle class, with salaries ranging from ₸700,000 to ₸1.2 million, whose everyday expenses constituting 40-50% of their income

  • Employees with income above ₸1.2 million represent the smallest segment of the working population, comprising just 2%

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