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  3. President Proposes National Referendum on Construction of Nuclear Power Plant
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 September, 2023 | 11:08
less than 1 min read

President Proposes National Referendum on Construction of Nuclear Power Plant

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made the proposal in his annual address to the people of Kazakhstan

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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stated that the decision regarding the construction of nuclear power plants will be determined through a national referendum, QazMonitor reports.

"In my 2019 election platform, I pledged that decisions on the most critical strategic issues would be subject to referendums. The decision to build or not build a nuclear power plant is a matter of utmost importance for the future of our country. Therefore, I propose that we submit it to a national referendum. We will decide on the specific timing later," the President stated in his annual address to the people of Kazakhstan.

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