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  3. Vape Shops Bring Zero Value to Budget — Finance Minister
Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 August, 2023 | 10:23
1 min read

Vape Shops Bring Zero Value to Budget — Finance Minister

Yerulan Zhamaubayev thinks Kazakhstan should introduce a full ban on e-cigarette circulation

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Finance Minister Yerulan Zhamaubayev calls for a nationwide ban on e-cigarettes as soon as Parliament resumes, citing the lack of budgetary benefits from the industry, QazMonitor reports.

During the journalist briefing after the government meeting, Zhamaubayev said that the ministry plans to combat the smuggling of e-cigarettes if the returning Parliament approves the introduced bill. He explained that the Ministry of Healthcare is also in favor of limitation and a full ban.

I think this is the right decision as the healthcare ministry possesses comprehensive information about the harm of vapes. We don't fully understand the consequences yet, but if our children use [e-cigarettes], it becomes a matter of national security. Therefore, we will completely prohibit and take all measures to prevent further circulation of vapes. But this will happen after the law comes into force.

Yerulan Zhamaubayev, Minister of Finance

When asked about the fate of legally operating e-cigarette stores, Zhamaubayev stated that he doesn’t see any economic benefit from those stores.

"There are no budgetary benefits from vape shops. They don't contribute to public health in any way. As the minister of finance, I am categorically against the further spread of vape shops," said Zhamaubayev.

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