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  3. Nurbank Temporarily Works with Unistream to Complete Settlements
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 July, 2023 | 16:59
1 min read

Nurbank Temporarily Works with Unistream to Complete Settlements

Earlier, Kazpost suspended its operations with the Russian payment system

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Ruslan Pryanikov
Ruslan Pryanikov

On July 26, following the inclusion of Unistream payment system in the US sanctions list against Russia, Nurbank clarified that the bank is temporarily interacting with the Russian company to complete mutual settlements within the framework of the license issued by OFAC, QazMonitor reports citing the bank’s press service.

The bank issued an official statement regarding the matter.

"OFAC license is a permit issued by a division of the U.S. Treasury Department, the Office of Foreign Assets Control, to carry out special transactions or business relationships, which otherwise would be prohibited. At the same time, we note that Nurbank reserves the right to stop servicing the Unistream payment system at any time, based on the current market situation," states the message.

Earlier, the national postal service Kazpost suspended operations with Unistream for the same reason.

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