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  3. Digital Minister Mussin Urges Consumers to Conserve Internet Like Water
Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 July, 2023 | 20:15
1 min read

Digital Minister Mussin Urges Consumers to Conserve Internet Like Water

The minister's appeal comes in the wake of statewide mobile tariff increases

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In view of statewide price hikes in mobile tariff plans, the minister of digital development, innovation, and aerospace industry Bagdat Mussin urges consumers to conserve internet traffic, likening it to an exhaustible resource like water, QazMonitor reports citing Kazinform.

“Let's conserve [the internet traffic]. We should understand that mobile internet is expensive. When you come home, you should switch to Wi-Fi, as there should be a culture, a savings culture. Should water be conserved? No one can live without it, and it must be saved, don't you agree?” Mussin addressed journalists on the sidelines of the government meeting.

The minister proceeded to liken the Internet to an exhaustible resource.

"The Internet is an exhaustible resource because a base station connects a certain number of mobile devices. If a certain number of mobile devices connect, it is clear that the connection will degrade, and to install a second base station, you need significant investments. And where do investments come from? The economy is built in such a way that everyone pays for something," added the minister.

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