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  3. US Investments in Kazakhstan Rose by 82% in 2022
Astana, Kazakhstan • 21 July, 2023 | 16:11
1 min read

US Investments in Kazakhstan Rose by 82% in 2022

Ambassador Rosenblum noted America's determination to jointly develop the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route

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Kazakh Invest
Kazakh Invest

In 2022, the inflow of investments from the US to Kazakhstan rose by 82% year-over-year, from $2.8 billion to more than $5.1 billion, reaching a total of $62.7 billion of American investment in the country since 1993, QazMonitor reports citing Kazakh Invest.

Ardak Zebeshev, chair of the investment committee, and Meirzhan Yussupov, chair of the board of the national company Kazakh Invest, met with the ambassador of the United States to Kazakhstan, Daniel Rosenblum. During the meeting, the parties discussed promising areas for expanding bilateral cooperation, as well as the work of existing enterprises in the country.

In his speech, Zebeshev noted that our country is interested in the joint implementation of projects in manufacturing, mining, pharmaceuticals, agricultural industry, and other areas.

In turn, Rosenblum emphasized his country's determination to develop the infrastructure of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, as well as other transport routes as part of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Initiative, proposed by the G7 states. He noted that the successful visit of the US Trade Mission this June symbolizes the mutual determination of the parties to develop economic relations.

As of 2022, the volume of trade between Kazakhstan and the United States amounted to $3.05 billion, which is a 37.2% year-over-year increase from $2.2 billion. At the same time, exports to the US exceeded $1.15 billion, while imports amounted to $1.89 billion.

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