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  3. Wind Farm Opens in Aktobe
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 10:20
1 min read

Wind Farm Opens in Aktobe

Annual energy generation equivalent to 37,000 households

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Eni, an Italian multinational energy company, has inaugurated the 48MW Badamsha 2 Wind Farm located in the Aktobe region.

Badamsha 2 Wind Farm was awarded to Eni following an auction managed by the Kazakh Ministry of Energy and entered commercial operation in September 2021, around 12 months after starting construction.

Badamsha 2 Wind Farm is Eni’s second wind project in the Aktobe Region, doubling the installed capacity of the 48MW Badamsha 1 Wind Farm that was commissioned in early 2020 and is now in full operation.

To date, the wind turbines of Badamsha 2 are the largest installed in Kazakhstan, both in terms of size (rotor diameter 158 meters, hub 101 meters) and power (4.8MW each).

They are expected to deliver an annual energy generation of up to 200 GWh, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of around 37,000 households, and an overall CO2 saving of 173,000 tonnes per year.

Badamsha 2 Wind Farm has also promoted job creation locally, with a peak of 300 people working on the construction site this year.

Following a separate auction in late 2019, Eni was also awarded a 50MW photovoltaic project in the Turkestan Region, which is currently under construction.

These projects align with Eni’s wider commitment towards the energy transition and decarbonization and will contribute to Kazakhstan’s carbon neutrality target.

Arm Wind, which is fully owned by Eni gas e luce - Plenitude (100% Eni), will implement Eni’s strategy in the renewables business.

This aims to achieve a balanced and diversified portfolio of up to more than 6GW of renewables capacity by 2025 and more than 15GW by 2030.

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