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Astana, Kazakhstan • 18 July, 2023 | 15:41
1 min read

President Holds Meeting with Under-Secretary-General of the UN

President Tokayev emphasized Kazakhstan’s commitment to the principles of the organization


On July 14, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev met with UN Under-Secretary-General and Head of the UN Counter-Terrorism Office, Vladimir Voronkov, along with Natalia German, Executive Director of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, the press service of Akorda reports.

The Head of State expressed gratitude to the UN delegation for their participation in the Central Asian Security and Cooperation Forum held in Astana.

The President also highlighted that the UN is the primary international organization for Kazakhstan. "We firmly believe that each member country should contribute to enhancing its activities," the President said.

You know that our country is fully committed to the Charter of the United Nations. I consistently emphasize this at all international events. I believe that all other UN member states should also unwaveringly adhere to the principles outlined in the Charter of the Organization.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

UN representatives highly commended Kazakhstan's efforts in this area and emphasized that our country is one of the leaders of the UN's counter-terrorism agenda.

During the discussion, the topics of regional security, stability, and the fight against terrorist threats were addressed.

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