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  3. Kazakhstan Plans to Ramp Up Crop Exports to China Up to 1M Tons
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 July, 2023 | 17:17
1 min read

Kazakhstan Plans to Ramp Up Crop Exports to China Up to 1M Tons

The ministry of agriculture met with representatives from COFCO Group, a leading agribusiness company in Asia


The Kazakh agriculture ministry plans to increase the volume of annual crop exports to China up to one million tons, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry's press service.

Yerbol Karashukeyev, the minsiter of agruculture, met with Zhu Ze, the vice president of COFCO Group, China's largest food processor, manufacturer, trader, and one of Asia's leading agribusiness companies. COFCO Group serves as the primary importer of Kazakh wheat into China.

During the meeting, Karashukeyev emphasized Kazakhstan's potential in producing high-quality organic agricultural and food products. He highlighted last year's record of 22 million tons of harvested grain and leguminous crops, including 16.4 million tons of wheat.

The minister emphasized that all previous export contracts between COFCO Group and the national Food Contract Corporation, including a 75,000-ton wheat supply contract, will be fulfilled. The parties also discussed the potential purchase of other crops, such as flax, barley, sunflower, and rapeseed.

As part of the visit, the Chinese delegation visited the company’s bread-receiving enterprises in the Akmola region and the Barayev Research and Production Center for Grain Farming in the village of Shortandy near Astana.

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