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  3. Kazakhstan Soars to 76th Place in 2023 Global Peace Index
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 July, 2023 | 10:16
2 min read

Kazakhstan Soars to 76th Place in 2023 Global Peace Index

The country has leaped by 21 positions, significantly enhancing its global standing


The 2023 edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI) placed Kazakhstan 76th out of 163 countries, highlighting the country's significant improvement by 21 positions amidst the global peace deterioration, QazMonitor reports.

The GPI, researched by the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace, is the measure of global peacefulness worldwide. It provides a comprehensive data-driven analysis of peace trends, economic value, and strategies for building peaceful societies. The report assesses each country based on 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators, evaluating their placement across three categories – Societal Safety and Security, Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict, and the degree of the country’s Militarisation.

image source: Statista

The 2023 report emphasizes the continuous decline in global peace. For the ninth consecutive year, the average level of peacefulness deteriorated, with 84 countries experiencing improvement and 79 witnessing deterioration. The conflict in Ukraine remains a key driver behind the decline in global peace.

Kazakhstan stands out among the twelve countries in the Russia and Eurasia region, as it has experienced the most significant improvement in overall peacefulness. With a 4.2% increase, the country climbed 21 places to achieve an overall ranking of 76, making it the third highest-ranked country in the region.

Our country showcased improvement across both the Militarisation and Safety and Security categories, with five indicators showing positive progress. Notably, the violent demonstrations indicator witnessed a significant 50% improvement. In 2023, 15 of the 23 GPI indicators remained unchanged in Kazakhstan, with only three indicators showing deterioration – the incarceration rate, political instability, and military expenditure.

The most peaceful country in the region is Moldova, ranked 57th (1.873), followed by Armenia in 66th place (1.929), and then Kazakhstan in 76th place. Our southern neighbor Uzbekistan ranks 86th on the list (2.033). Overall, the region remains one of the least peaceful globally, with an average score of 2.228. For comparison, the region's score falls between South America (2.151) and Sub-Saharan Africa (2.28). Europe continues to maintain its position as the most peaceful region worldwide, with an average score of 1.619.

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