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Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 July, 2023 | 09:42
1 min read

New Law Obliges Online Platforms to Provide Services in Kazakh

'On Internet Advertising and Online Platforms' establishes mandatory requirements for the localization of online platforms in the Kazakh language


Deputies of the upper house of parliament have approved the draft law 'On Internet Advertising and Online Platforms', which requires domestic online services to translate content into the Kazakh language and establishes guidelines for the regulation of online platforms and online advertising, QazMonitor reports.

The law establishes mandatory requirements for translating interfaces into the Kazakh language and moderating content on online platforms. According to the authors, this will enable social network algorithms to track illegal content and moderate content in the Kazakh language.

Moreover, owners and representatives of online platforms will be obligated to immediately notify law enforcement authorities if they discover illegal content posing a threat to human life or safety, or if it’s disseminating false information. By order of the authorized bodies, online platforms will also be required to suspend the activities of accounts in Kazakhstan that post and distribute illegal content, including cyberbullying targeting children.

Additionally, the draft introduces amendments to the Penal Code, establishing criminal liability for inciting hatred based on social, national, ethnic, racial, class, or religious grounds, and provides an additional basis for recognizing the deliberate dissemination of false information through online platforms.

The Entrepreneur Code will also include responsibilities for ensuring compliance with legislation on online platforms and online advertising. Furthermore, the laws 'On the Rights of a Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan' and 'On Education' will now recognize the use of online platforms as a distinct method of committing unlawful acts.

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