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  3. First Kazakh Evacuees Arrive from Ukraine
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 March, 2022 | 01:00
1 min read

First Kazakh Evacuees Arrive from Ukraine

Families reunited and supported by the Mayor's Office

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Alexandr Pavskiy
Alexandr Pavskiy

The repatriation flight with 175 passengers took off from the Polish city of Katowice, reports.

"For the evacuees, the Mayor's Office of Almaty organized the transfer and accommodation at the hotel with three meals. All the arrivals will receive full support while their stay in Almaty. The Mayor's Office is ready to provide medical services, including psychological, if necessary".

The press service of the Mayor's Office of Almaty
Alexandr Pavskiy
Alexandr Pavskiy

Another flight from Ukraine is expected to land in Almaty city. Earlier it was reported that the first flight with Kazakhstan national jetted off from Poland. The second repatriation flight is set to take off from Katowice at 2:15 am and arrive in Atyrau city at 11:35 am on March 1. Three repatriation flights were set to be organized for Kazakhstanis from Katowice.

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