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  3. Police Freed All Hostages Held by Armed Man in Bank in Astana
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 June, 2023 | 10:40
1 min read

Police Freed All Hostages Held by Armed Man in Bank in Astana

The hostage-taker was neutralized during the special operation, no casualties or injuries were reported

On June 18, the police successfully rescued the hostages and neutralized the armed hostage-taker at the Kaspi Bank branch in Astana, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry of internal affairs.

On June 18, the police reported that an armed man had locked himself with bank visitors in front of the Keruen Mall in Astana at the Kaspi Bank branch on Dostyq Street 12 and threatened to kill the hostages if his demands were not met.

Later, Kaspi Bank reported that only bank employees were present in the building, while the police confirmed that negotiations were being conducted with the man.

"Representatives of law enforcement are negotiating with the man who is threatening the employees. All efforts of the police and the bank are aimed at ensuring that no one gets hurt. Please take any information responsibly and do not hinder the work of law enforcement agencies. Any unreliable information can lead to an aggravation of the situation," stressed the bank.

Later that day, it was reported that the man was apprehended, and all the hostages were rescued from the building.

"A successful operation was carried out in the building of Kaspi Bank. All hostages were released! The hostages were released after the police stormed the building. All employees have been removed. The hostage taker has been neutralized!" reported the ministry of internal affairs.

The hostages and the perpetrator were not injured during the special operation.

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