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  3. National Special Services May Be Allowed Audio and Video Recording with UAVs
Astana, Kazakhstan • 17 May, 2023 | 15:35
1 min read

National Special Services May Be Allowed Audio and Video Recording with UAVs

According to the legislators, this would be helpful at the border, since much of it lies in mountainous and forested areas

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Unsplash/Jason Blackeye
Unsplash/Jason Blackeye

On May 15, Kazakh deputies proposed an amendment that would legally allow national special services to conduct audio and video recordings from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), QazMonitor reports citing Kaztag.

Aigul Kuspan, a member of the lower house of parliament, stated that the amendment was long overdue due to the development of UAV photography. The proposed changes would improve the ability of special services to provide security measures when safeguarding facilities or events, among other things.

"For example, if an important strategic object is being guarded, and a UAV shows up that shouldn't be there, special government services would be in a position to remove it. It would be very helpful to use drones at the border, as we have a very long border and it is not possible for us to deploy border guards, especially in mountainous and forested areas," explained Kuspan.

She also added that the national armed forces and border guards currently lack high-tech equipment due to insufficient budget.

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