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Astana, Kazakhstan • 16 May, 2023 | 09:40
2 min read

What Is the Most Popular Traditional Sport in Kazakhstan?

In 2022, the number of people regularly practicing traditional sports reached 580,000

With the achievements of our athletes in mainstream sports, Kazakhstan is steadily preserving and developing traditional games, and giving broader outreach to our people's various competitions in skill, wit, dexterity, and strength.

In 2022, the number of people regularly practicing traditional sports, such as archery or horseback racing, reached 580,000, as the number of clubs exceeded 16,555, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry of culture and sport.

The ministry shares which five Kazakh national sports have gained the most popularity.

5. Baige horse racing

Horseback racing is one of the most popular equestrian sports in our country, attracting large crowds and offering an unforgettable experience of freedom of movement. Today, there are 753 equestrian clubs throughout the nation with 21,000 children learning all the subtleties of the sport.

4. Assyk atu

Photo credit: Adelina Kulyashkina (QazMonitor)

As one of the oldest and simplest traditional games, assyk atu enjoys great local popularity helping to develop fine motor skills, speed, and accuracy in children. Currently, 77,000 people across the country participate in the game through 2,237 club competitions and activities.

3. Kokpar

It just so happens that horse-related sports are among the most popular in our country, and kokpar is no exception, leading the national sports category both by the number of spectators and participants. It's estimated that 78,000 people hone their horse-riding skills in 916 clubs scattered throughout the country.

2. Kazakh wrestling

Qazaq kuresi

Martial sports have always been a popular among young people, and the specific type of wrestling developed by the Kazakh people sees a large engagement to this day. With 4427 martial clubs operating in Kazakhstan today, about 159,000 people regularly see each other to the bout.

1. Togyzkumalak

Photo credit: Adelina Kulyashkina (QazMonitor)

The most popular out of all our ancient game traditions is the turn-based strategy board game of togyzkumalak.

Often leading to mind duels between the opponents, these games contribute to developing logical thinking and wit, being popular among both the elderly and young players. There are 6,856 clubs in Kazakhstan with approximately 207,000 regular players.

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